14 February 2014

Review: Christ and the Kosmoses by Charles W. Asbell

Christ and the Kosmoses
Christ and the Kosmoses by Charles W. Asbell
Scripture Research - Vol 4 - No. 14

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This little book was actually a nice read. I honestly was not sure what to expect, knowing nothing of the background or theological stance of the author. Even their web site had little theological affiliations listed to reveal their position. But I read on anyway, awaiting an answer.

This booklet deal with the idea of the Greek term kosmos, as used throughout the NT, is not actually referring to the world as a whole, but to a dispensation - a time - an era containing a specific people, and their dealing with God within it. I am not alien to this concept, and so it was not at all startling. I guess I just never looked at applying the use of kosmos to such a thought. I knew of the overarching "this age" and the "age to come" separation of the Hebrew understanding, and this kosmos understanding kind of aligns right along side of that.

Bascially, the first kosmos of God started in the beginning, and ended at the destruction of the flood. Following that, a new kosmos was initiated and relates to the history and dealings with the covenant people of God. This kosmos ended when the covenant people ended in AD 70. This was literally the end of their world (kosmos), and all of the "last days" references deal with this impending end (of their time). The last days of the old covenant ended when the old system and it's temple were destroyed (AD 70) - this was the passing of the old heavens and earth - and the establishment of the new heavens and earth where Jew and Gentile have been merged into one single equal people (the "mystery") - a new man - new creation - with a new temple (Ephesians 2)

This book is fairly short and concise, and makes the case fairly convincingly, as is worth the read if you are not yet aware of this understanding of the "times" that the NT writers were speaking in and of, and their soon coming (to them) end.

This booklet is available FREE from the author's page HERE - in either downloadable PDF or request a printed copy.

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